Let’s talk about ANYTHING else: exploring the positives

Let’s talk about ANYTHING else: exploring the positives

Let’s talk about ANYTHING else: exploring the positives

Is anyone else getting tired of hearing about how things are ‘in these unprecedented times’ and how everyone is ‘coping during this challenging and uncertain situation’? It is true – that is what we’re all facing – but the rhetoric that is being drilled into our heads, our news and our social media feeds is starting to add to the burden. So how can we change that, especially in a business context?

The coronavirus pandemic (we had to say it) has primarily centred around negative messages, rightly so. However, for the lucky people who have privileged to remain healthy during the lockdown, many positives have actually surfaced. Humanity has, in many ways, changed for the good. Let’s explore some of those positives and see what the ‘new normal’ could be.

Digital and phone communication has evolved.

Business conversations that used to be quipped and professional are now more casual and certainly more compassionate. People are taking time to check in on others, speaking on the phone more often and getting to know their clients and co-workers more personally.

This is likely because we are all seeking personal contact and missing social interaction, but it has evolved how conversations ebb and flow and has created new bonds between all types of people. Zoom meetings are becoming more comfortable and people are generally more open to each other via digital communication. We hope this new norm continues and that corporate relationships can continue to benefit from more compassionate communication.

Lockdown has showed us how we can help the natural world.

Reductions in transport, air travel and manufacturing has cleared polluted skies. The International Energy Agency estimated that 8% of the estimated annual carbon dioxide emissions will never be admitted into the atmosphere, a direct result of the lockdown. Sounds of car horns and engines were replaced by chirping birds in cities.

There is a long way to go in the fight against climate change, but after realising how productive we can be while working from home, many businesses now feel more confident in their commitment to reducing their environmental impact. Plus, let’s be honest, most of us don’t miss our commute. It’s likely that a large majority of businesses may continue to work from home – a step that could help the Earth.

A new work-life balance.

Why did we work SO many hours for so much of our lives? Working from home has allowed us to increase productivity while also having more time for family, exercise and leisure. Jobs that once defined our lives are now simply a part of our day, rather than hours of grafting and hours of commuting. Families are closer than ever, houses feel more like homes, and a new work/life balance has emerged. In many cases, we’re healthier and less stressed. A lot of business owners have realised how effective flexible working can be and have committed to maintaining that option for their employees.

How has lockdown changed your work habits and your relationships? What do you want the ‘new normal’ to be? Let us know on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/research-runner/ .