Research Runner sponsors Essex & Herts Air Ambulance

Research Runner sponsors Essex & Herts Air Ambulance

Research Runner is proud to sponsor Essex & Herts Air Ambulance (EHAAT), a local organisation that is close to our hearts.

EHAAT’s mission is to save lives, reduce or prevent disability or suffering from critical illness and injury, by delivering a first class pre-hospital emergency medical service to the people of Essex, Hertfordshire and surrounding areas. Without access to National Lottery funding and with limited support from Government, they continue to rely upon the generosity and goodwill of the people and businesses of Essex and Hertfordshire to remain operational and keep saving lives.  The average cost of one flight is £2,200, funding is crucial for saving lives.

Our sponsorship will support the Air Ambulance Week in September which sees EHAAT using this week to celebrate with a powerful awareness campaign to highlight how the air ambulance charity saves lives every day by rapidly bringing highly advanced lifesaving critical care directly to the side of the most critically injured or ill, when every second counts towards survival.

Research Runner are also a proud sponsor of the Schools Initiative 2021. EHAAT will be visiting a number of schools in the area from the new academic term in September to promote awareness of the charity whilst also asking for schools to fundraise on their behalf.  A word search has been designed for Key Stage 1 & 2 pupils in primary school to complete and get sponsored for.

RR are looking forward to the corporate webinar event for a virtual opening of the new airbase in North Weald to gain an insightful glimpse into the life-saving work of EHAAT.

“EHAAT provided incredible life-saving support for my mother, and we are all eternally grateful for the kind and quick assistance from their crew. I am delighted that we have had the opportunity to become a corporate sponsor for this crucial charity,” said Tracey Mingay, Director at Research Runner.

Natasha Robertson, Fundraising Manager at EHAAT says  “Thank you once more for your continued support, we are thrilled to have Research Runner on board!”