Celebrating International Market Research Day 2022

Celebrating International Market Research Day 2022

Celebrating International Market Research Day 2022

market research day 2022

This week, Research Runner is joining the international market research community – including a number of our lead generation clients – in celebrating International Market Research Day 2022 (IMRD22) on 2nd May 2022!

The aim of International Market Research Day is to recognise the positive impact that research and data professionals have made to help businesses, charities, the public and the public services sector with decision making.

This year’s focus is on sustainability and celebrates ways in which data helps drive positive change to make the world more sustainable and helps create a better future for all generations.

The Market Research Society (MRS) has highlighted a series of case studies from leading market research agencies from the past year as part of IMRD22 and in line with the Market Research Awards 2021.

The team at Research Runner is proud to work alongside many market research agencies around the globe, providing invaluable lead generation services to broaden the spectrum of market research that takes place each year internationally.

Research Runner joined the list of finalists in the Market Research Awards 2021 and was recognised as a ‘Highly Commendable’ industry partner for our B2b lead generation services we provide for international market research agencies.

The market research industry is vital for B2B businesses who must constantly adapt to consumer trends, global behavioural change, economics, and leading business practices around the world.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can support international market research agencies, check out our lead generation case studies or contact our MD Julian to discuss your sales strategy by emailing jhaste@research-runner.com.