Workplace trends 2022

Workplace trends 2022

Workplace trends 2022

We’ve come a long way since the beginning of the pandemic, and a lot of major cultural shifts have occurred in global workplaces. Society has adapted immensely and it’s important for business owners to continue to be aware of how company culture and workplace data has shifted in order to retain and motivate staff.

Here are some of the latest workplace statistics to keep in mind when managing a business:

Better employee recognition and performance reviews

According to a study from Microsoft, around 40% of global employees have considered leaving their job in the last year.

The need for improved communication and better strategies for things like performance reviews and company culture are necessary for nurturing employees and making them feel valuable.

Hybrid and WFH employees

Life after the height of the pandemic means that more workers are continuing to work from home or only work partial time in the office.

According to recent reports, two in five workers in the UK have adopted hybrid working models, and 45% of office workers would consider changing jobs to be able to continue to work in a hybrid model. Only 30% of businesses predict that they will have their full workforce 100% back on site by the end of the year.

Good B2B business models should consider allowing flexible working and also adapt their business models and communication strategies to continue to have high employee satisfaction.

Mental health as a workplace priority

The strains of the last two years have brought mental health to the top of employers’ priorities, with 19% of lost working time being due to mental health reasons in 2021, according to GoodShape’s UK PLC 2021 Workforce Health Report.

Business owners and HR managers should keep track of employees’ leave and provide additional support for staff experiencing struggles with mental health.

We continue to face many challenges, yet it is not all negative. Ease in restrictions has meant that people are finally able to take well-deserved and much-needed holidays, we’re able to safely meet face-to-face and business is back on track for many industries.

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