Putting your words to work

Putting your words to work

Research Runner’s lead generation team looks into a study about ‘words that close’ to help B2B businesses understand the type of lingo that can help seal the deal at the end of the sales cycle.

Research Runner prides ourselves on our ability to generate warm leads for B2B sales companies who don’t have the time to research and find clients, but who know how to sell their products or services once in front of the right potential clients.

Here’s a bit of advice for helping you seal the deal once we’ve handled your lead generation:

Choosing sales words wisely

176,891 sales calls were analysed in a market research study by a sales tool, Gong, and the findings might be helpful for helping you close the deal! The study found some of the most helpful words and phrases to use when at the final stages of your sales cycle.

Make it personal

The research found that when you’re coming to the end of negotiating a price or reaching the point of signing a contract, it’s best to use ‘I’ rather than ‘we.’

It’s more difficult to turn down someone who says, ‘I have a great price for you’ than it is if you were to use ‘we,’ because it makes it more personal.

Create empathy

On the other hand, sometimes it might be best to leave the blame elsewhere, and to avoid using ‘sorry’ wherever possible.

If you feel the need to apologise for something like the price or a timescale, the study says to do it in a way that keeps you on the client’s team. For example, you could say, ‘I’m sorry, I would like to offer you a lower price, but I have been told that it’s not doable.’

Use their words

You can get a better understanding of your client’s feelings and gain more information from them if you say their own words back to them. Here’s a conversation so you can see what we mean:

Client: It’s frustrating that every time we think a lead is warm, our sales team fudges up somehow.

You: Fudges up? How?

Client: Um, I suppose because they’re not always great at timing.

You: The timing, huh…

Client: Yea, I think they take too long to send the proposals.

This has helped you figure out pain points that you could provide a solution for, without the need to question them in depth, which can make people uncomfortable.

Make it fair

Using the f-word – fair – when negotiating a deal can help to create a further sense of empathy and ensure that everyone does feel like they’re getting a fair deal.

Would you like to discuss your lead generation strategy and learn how we can help support your sales team? Get in touch for a friendly chat!

You can read the full results of the research study online.